Saturday, February 15, 2014

follow up to MOLPRO ROHF convergence difficulties (optimizing a geometry using procedures)

The end result of the last post was that I found level shifts of -0.3, 0.3 worked for my system. A brief tangent for those of you who have perused the manual and saw their suggestion of -1.0,-0.5, I did try that one as well and it does not work in this particular case. Ok, back to the question at hand, how do I optimize a geometry when ROHF won't even converge for a structure that is a local minimum? One way around this is to use MCSCF with one open orbital and run the converged orbitals through ROHF using only one iteration. However, that is a story for another day, in this case I will use the level shifts I listed above. My basic thought was that I really only want to use the level shifts if they are needed, otherwise I will use the default values. These two ideas lead to using a procedure and boolean logic within said procedure.


proc autoshift
   if( then
     status,rhf,clear                          !make sure calc does not abort when stock rohf does not converge
     {rhf,shifta=-0.3,shiftb=0.3;        !shifts found using grid search
     start,atden}                              !start with atomic densities again, otherwise rohf will use same "bad" orbitals


proc b3lyphess
  if( then
    status,rhf,clear                           !same as for autoshift

Here I have made two procedures, one for the optimization using CCSD(T) and one for the Hessian (MOLPRO does far better with frequent numerical hessians when optimizing open-shell doublet molecules) using B3LYP. I will talk about the first one because they are almost identical. Beginning with the if statement, I hate it check if the stock ROHF calculation finished properly. If it did not, then I run ROHF with the level shifts I found in the previous post, taking care to start with the atomic densities and not the orbitals from the previous ROHF calculation. I could put in several of these if statements with various values for the level shifts to be on the safe side, but I wanted to keep this example on the simple side. If this ROHF calculation fails then I still want MOLPRO to error out, so I do not have a status,rhf,clear statement in the if structure. After that I run the UCCSD(T) calculation. The only other bit to include is telling optg that I want to use a procedure, which is accomplished with the proc=autoshift. This is currently running, but it made it past the initial calculation which is progress.

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